My gf Neelam and I also have great sex-life, we’ve been making the rounds during the last half a year, we arrive at bang just once in 15 times when either of our moms and dads are away from city. Neelam could be the very first woman we fucked, she fucked, she lost her virginity to a cousin of hers though I was not the first guy. The other is a neighbor who is married and I fucked when her husband was away and she practically seduced me (more details some other time) during my affair with Neelam I have fucked two other girls, one was my cousin from Mumbai whom I fuck when she is in town. About 15 times straight straight right back my parents had been away for example whole day therefore we planned to possess a complete time of fucking, i obtained complete stock of meals, alcohol & cigarettes. As Neelam arrived on the carpet and started kissing her from her head downwards, her lips then her neck, then her 36B boobs, I licked and sucked for some time and then slowly my tongue was moving downwards and I was getting her hot and impatient in I kissed her and started stripping her and she stripped me, she immediately knelt and took my cock in her mouth and started sucking as I was about to cum I stopped her, lay her. We stopped for quite a while at her navel and she pressed my head straight straight down towards her damp juicy and nicely trimmed cunt. As we reached it I distribute her cunt lips wide and forced my tongue nearly halfway inside her pussy, she started screaming and she pressed my mind much more, she then desired to stop me personally as she had been going to cum, but we wanted her juices so we proceeded and she arrived in a spurt and we sucked her juices. Then she took my cock in her own mouth licked my balls sufficient reason for almost all of my cock inside her lips we started initially to cum, she took a number of inside her lips and eliminated my cock making me personally spray the others on the face.
We rested for a few right time, smoked cigarettes, had one thing to consume and drank some alcohol
(Neelam smokes just while fucking). We stay nude after which resumed with our– that is fucking she to my cock and fucks me personally with both of us cumming together. Into the afternoon after a few more fucking and drinking and had been actually high. We asked Neelam her intimate dream and reluctantly she stated she need to get fucked for a coastline in the great outdoors utilizing the risk of other dudes and girls seeing her getting fucked and licked by me personally. She then asked me my fantasy and I also informed her that we fantasize of fucking two girls together and achieving them suck my cock together as well as fucking one and sucking another’s cunt at exactly the same time, hearing this made her really horny and she fucked me personally once again. A days that are few Neelam called me and asked me personally to arrived at her buddy Neeta’s space, (Neeta lives in a two room flat with another woman) we reached the space to locate both Neelam and Neeta sitting and watching a film, the camcrawler blonde moment we joined Neeta shut down the video clip. Neelam smiled and shared with her buddy to start out the video clip also it ended up being okay, both Neelam and Neeta were putting on quick skirts and figure hugging tops looking genuine sexy. I sat straight straight straight down between both of those and Neeta began the movie. It absolutely was a porn film where a lady had been undressing her boyfriend and another girl had been sitting and viewing. We viewed Neelam and she smiled in a way that is different due to the fact movie progressed aided by the woman stripping her boyfriend in the front of her buddy and drawing their cock. Neelam got horny and came near me personally she place her arms to my jeans to feel my rock solid cock, i possibly couldn’t hang on and smooched her real hard and squeezed her boobs not realizing that her buddy ended up being sitting close to me personally, however looked towards Neeta and she acted as if she had not been seeing and ended up being busy seeing the film, now i really couldn’t hang on and my hand went under Neelam’s skirt along with her panties had been totally damp. When you look at the film the child and woman now got down seriously to screwing freely right in front of her buddy, Neelam within the meantime eliminated my cock and began drawing it, We eliminated Neelam’s top along with her Bra and sucked her boobs at precisely the same time. We lifted her dress and had been pulling straight down her panties. Now both of us got therefore horny that people endured up and eliminated each clothes that are other’s had been totally nude in the front of Neeta. Neeta saw us and smiled and proceeded to begin to see the film, Neelam made me lay out regarding the settee with my at once Neeta’s lap and she started initially to draw my cock, I happened to be so horny and seeing Neeta’s boobs appropriate in the front of me personally i really could perhaps maybe not resist keeping them. Being perhaps not certain of the response from both girls, we looked over Neelam and she lifted her mind and seeing me personally keeping her friend’s boobs smiled offering me personally a signal that is green just do it. Neeta ended up being positively enjoying this unbutton her shirt and her bra as she helped me. Her 36C boobs sprang appropriate right in front of my face and I also started initially to lick and draw them. Then I place my hand under Neeta’s dress to locate her panty dripping. It absolutely was quite clear that Neelam had no objection to my screwing her buddy together with planned all of this for me personally. I happened to be now sitting in the couch and both the girls arrived right in front of me personally and began drawing my cock along with their lips pressing each other’s from both edges. At once one had been licking my balls as well as the other had been drawing me personally. Finally once I ended up being going to come both their lips had been locked regarding the tip of my cock and I also sprayed all my juiced partly inside their mouths and partly on the faces they both desired my cum therefore defectively which they began licking my cum from each others face and so they found myself in a French kiss, this is incredibly horny when I want to see girls kiss one another (we later arrived to learn that a while right back that they had a brief lesbian event).
Following this Neelam made me personally suck Neeta’s cunt and she began licking and cleaning my cock
Neeta’s cunt ended up being clean- and saturated in juice, which spread all over my face but i recently liked licking it. Neelam made drinks for all those and now we sat and drank and all of us smoked cigarettes and seeing two sexy nude girls ended up being making my cock grow hard once more. Seeing this Neelam stated now you need certainly to screw Neeta and she made Neeta lie regarding the sleep and distribute her feet, she then took your hands on my cock with one hand and distribute Neeta’s cunt lips using the other and forced my cock into her cunt. This is the best, my very own gf making me screw another woman. While I was fucking one I was sucking the other as I fucked Neeta I was on my back and Neeta riding my cock, Neelam brought her cunt down on my face so. That’s all for the present time, we will have to help make Neelam’s dream come to life by fucking her for a coastline. In the wild and another to getting fucked by two dudes together. I might like to get reactions and views about my experience.